This is a re-post in case you didn't catch it the first time.
I am looking for people to participate in the pilot of a new course I created combining my understandings from Taoist practices and Ipsalu Tantra. The purpose would be to activate the body in a way that a person becomes sensitive to the variety of sensations, the reverse of "shutting down."
Ideally this would become a home study course complementary to our Hot Tantra workshops.
In addition, each week's lesson would involve exploration of specific areas of sensation, with the point of activating the whole body and the range of emotions. Crucial to this process would be development of "witness consciousness" so that if undesirable feelings came up, they could be experienced, examined and accepted.
The first 10 lessons are fairly set, but I wanted to leave the remainder open based on the needs of the participants. There are a variety of directions things could go based on the experience level and goals of the participants.
The program could also be modified based on whether a partner is available. In fact, one of the things I was thinking of teaching in addition to learning about one's own energies, was learning about how men and women differ in fundamental disposition, and how to find appropriate partners. (I have found that whereas finding partners used to be difficult, it is a lot easier since I learned tantra. It might even be part of the homework for singles. Depending on the response, there may also be opportunities for matching.)
If things go as I envision them, when the comfort levels and experience were appropriate, training would be provided in specifics of sexual technique both for male and female.
The eventual results would be that individuals would be fully embodied and capable of fully feeling their bodies, emotions and pleasure. They would also have a degree of mastery with respect to the opposite sex and be well on the path with respect to such tantric practices as how to pleasure the opposite sex, self-ignition, ejaculatory choice, and transmutation of orgasmic energy.
I would want to keep case histories and testimonials both for purposes of refining the course materials and for eventual promotion once the program is ready for wider release.
I hope this provides some idea of what I am up to.
If you saw the movie "The Secret" this supports and expands those principles as well.
Here is the preliminary outline:
Tantric Embodiment: Learning to feel your way through life
Basis: Chakras and Chinese 5 Element Theory
Intention: To bring a person fully into their body physically and emotionally
Practices: Qi gong, breath, guided meditation, journaling, dialogue
1. Personal Inventory: Bringing the Non-Judgmental Witness to Life. Assessing the Mind, Body, Emotions. (Opening the 3rd Eye, Ajna).
2. Breath and the Metal Element: Breath as the key to aliveness (the Throat Chakra, Visudda). (Lungs, Large Intestine, Colon, Skin, Immune System, Lymphatic System) [Emotions: Sadness, Grief / Inspiration, Respect, Self-Esteem, Meaningfulness, Endurance]
3. Sexuality and the Water Element: Harnessing the Vital Force (Sex Center, Swadisthana) for Enlightenment. (Kidneys, Adrenals, Endocrine System, Urinary, Skeletal) [Emotions: Helplessness, Lethargy / Willpower, Actualization, Faith, Wisdom, Capacities]
4. Power and the Wood Element: Wielding Power (Power Center, Manipura) instead of Force-Fitting. (Liver Gall Bladder, Nervous System, Eyes, Tendons) [Emotions: Irritability, Nervousness / Creativity, Transformation, Adaptability, Clarity]
5. Passionate Living and the Fire Element: Renewing the Heart’s Enthusiasm (Heart Center, Anahata). (Heart, Pericardium, Cardiovascular System, Small Intestine, Brain) [Emotions: Anxiety, Drama / Enthusiasm, Passion, Joy, Relationship, Self-Expression]
6. Centering and the Earth Element: Remaining Grounded (Root or Base Chakra, Muladara). (Spleen, Pancreas, Stomach, Digestive System) [Worry, Over-Thinking / Contentment, Nurturance, Empathy Security, Stability]
7. Relationships & Essences: Essential Self/Other/Spirit (Crown Chakra, Sahashrara)
8. Yin & Yang as they relate to Feminine & Masculine: Learning to recognize internal masculine and feminine aspects and bring them into balance both internally and in relation to a partner.
9. Jing & Chi Cycles: Understanding and utilizing natural rhythms.
10. Breath and Orgasm: Solo Practices for extending and increasing orgasmic capacity.
11. Developmental Deficits Oral Phase: Seeking Nurturance / Neediness
12. Developmental Deficits Anal Phase: Seeking Approval / Not Good Enough
13. Developmental Deficits Genital Phase: Seeking Fulfillment / Disappointment
14. Affirmative Sexuality: Sexuality as an expression of a healthy Mind, Body and Spirit in a world of repression and excess.
15. Serving the Goddess: Instructions for men about women (Gender-role tendencies, differences in consciousness, communication tips, pleasuring).
16. Serving the God-Man: Instructions for women about men (Gender-role tendencies, differences in consciousness, communication tips, pleasuring).
If paid up front, the cost would be 1/2 the lesson-by-lesson cost or $320 , reduced to $160 for participants who submit progress reports and testimonials.
If paid on a lesson-by-lesson basis, the cost would be $40 per person per lesson, reduced to $20 per person per lesson for participants who submit progress reports and testimonials. Please email me at if you are interested.